“RIGA COMM” event guide


“RIGA COMM” event guide


On Thursday and Friday, 20 and 21 October, Ķīpsala will host the annual “RIGA COMM” fair. This year will offer a particularly large amount of unique events, and every manager, leading specialist and owner of a trade, production or service company will be able to get acquainted with digital innovations most suitable for his or her company, build contacts with different people, find out the experience of Latvian companies and the world’s leading enterprises, as well as have a great time while trying out various gadgets that are almost from fiction. We would like to present the “RIGA COMM” events that you should not miss!


Both days of the exhibition

Technological novelties and innovations in the stands of the fair

During the two days of the fair, 80 enterprises from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Finland and other countries will provide Latvian producers, traders, service providers and farmers with the opportunity to get acquainted with progressive and useful digital solutions for business – digital trade and customer service, co-working without physical movement, new www and mobile applications, cloud storage, virtual reality and many other new and interesting digital possibilities. There will also be consultations with experts regarding the most suitable solutions for one’s business or organisation. About the fair: www.rigacomm.com


Open Stage: tips for digital trade and marketing


Lectures of experts on how to use Facebook to one’s advantage, how to create content for a company, what “sells itself” on the Internet, what is new in the use of Google and AdWords, truth about trade via video and e-mail and many other topics for companies – useful everyday tips and real examples. Nine trending topics throughout the whole day – practical for daily use and illustrated with real-life examples! The Open Stage programme is without additional charge for visitors of “RIGA COMM”. See the programme on our website in order not to miss out on something that could be useful to you!



Do not only look at but also try out various devices manufactured abroad – a smart umbrella, which notifies its user about approaching rain and reminds itself if it gets lost, a smart padlock that can be unlocked without a key, remote controls, sensors, 3D glasses, bird-like drones, wearable video cameras and other innovations – all of this in the special Gadget area! There will also be a Latvian-made 3D printer for home use and other smart and innovative items created by Latvian enterprises, engineers and enthusiasts, as well as meetings with the creators themselves.


Thursday, 20 October

Examples of cooperation between entrepreneurs and scientists and reception of European funding 

The funding provided within the framework of the “Horizon 2020” programme is used far too little in Latvia. This is another case where we can learn from the Estonians, and starting with the 10:45 experience will be shared by one of the most successful funding beneficiaries of Europe – Henry Liimal, manager of the Estonian company “The Systems”, as well as others. Starting from 13:30, a meeting of entrepreneurs and scientists with foreign businessmen with the aim of developing joint projects will take place – hurry and sign-up for the meeting until 12 October!


Friday, 21 October

The first “Internet of Things” conference in the Baltics

Various tools of the Internet of Things are already present in many companies, stores, cities and homes. What will every enterprise operating in urban management, medicine and nursing, retail trade, finance, manufacturing and logistics, as well as energy and agriculture have to deal with in the near future? How to implement and use the necessary innovations in the most successful way and how not to repeat previous mistakes? Managers and representatives of the world’s leading companies – IoT developers – “Samsung”, “Bosch”, “Tele2”, “Deloitte”, “Siemens”, “ABB”, “John Deere” and “Kaspersky” will provide information on their future plans during the whole day, starting at 10:30. Main partner of the conference – knowledgeprice.com.

Visitors of “RIGA COMM” may attend the conference without any additional charges.




Smart Homes & Wearables – smartphones, smartwatches, smart TVs, heating and surveillance cameras are today’s reality, but what comes next? Starting from 10:30 – Sergejs Kostjučenko, Director of the Home Appliance Division at Samsung Electronics Baltics.

Smart City & Connected Vehicles

Heads of local governments, entrepreneurs and industry experts will find it useful to see the vision of the inevitable fact of smart cities increasing in number as shared by Stefan Bergman, Member of the Board at the Nordic Representation Office of Robert Bosch. What has to be done for the budget of a local government to be spent wisely and for money to be saved, when managing waste and putting up street lights? How to improve the quality of water? – these issues are important for every head of a city. Start of the presentation at 11:10


Telemedicine & Smart Healthcare

For family doctors and physicians of specialised fields, as well as heads of medical companies and the responsible specialists of local governments and the state – Alar Kuusik, Lead of IoT Technologies at Eliko. Start at 11:50.


IoT – A Strategy Game Changer

How will the Internet of Things change the everyday life of companies from all fields – Peter Feiring, Regional Sales Manager IoT at Tele2. Start at 13:20.


IoT in Retail & Finance

Can the Internet of Things function successfully at your store or bank? An insight into the use of the Internet of Things in retail and finance will be offered by Ronan Vander Elst, Director of Technology and Enterprise Application at Deloitte Luxembourg. Start at 14:00.


Industry & Logistics

More than a 100 years have passed since the moment when Henry Ford introduced the assembly line in manufacturing in order to ease the production process, increase the volume of production and reduce costs. But how do business types and processes change during the digital age? – this will be answered by Teemu Pajala, Director of Industry Customer Service at Siemens Osakeyhtiö. Start at 14:40.


Smart Grid: Future of Energy Delivery

On smart grids from energy production to consumption. Tālivaldis Podiņš, Business Development Manager at ABB. Start at 15:40.


Smart Farming & Sustainable Agriculture

How can costs be reduced even more and rural productivity increased? Aivis Zālītis, representative of DOJUS Latvija, will provide information on the smart farming management system developed by John Deere at 16:20 at the “Internet of Things” conference.


 Security & Privacy in a Connected World

What does protect our privacy and smart house or city during the digital age and the age of the Internet of Things? These questions will be answered by Denis Makrushin, Expert of the Global Research and Analysis Team at Kaspersky Lab, at 17:00.


News: https://rigacomm.com/lv/jaunumi/

“RIGA COMM” is organised by the International Exhibition Company BT 1 in cooperation with partners.

Follow news regarding “RIGA COMM” on social networks: www.facebook.com/rigacomm