A secret GPS transmitter, the smallest solar-powered mobile device charger in the world, a unique shooting training system, a heavy-duty drone and other inventions of Latvian scientists and enthusiasts will be available for viewing this week, on 20 and 21 October, at the “RIGA COMM 2016” fair in Ķīpsala!
Solar-powered mobile device charger
Latvian start-up “OSC Technologies” has developed an innovative solar battery product “GoSolar”. It weighs less than 100 grams and takes up 18x85x120 mm when folded. The innovative product does not only include a solar panel that can be used for charging even during cloudy weather, but also a battery and power sockets. “GoSolar” is suitable for those who like to travel to far and remote places, and it is also perfect for everyday use. The “GoSolar” solar panel transforms solar energy into electricity by using the flexible, small CIGS second generation cells. These are the main features that make “GoSolar” a lot lighter and more compact than the products of competitors, which is of essential importance when every gram put into one’s backpack is being counted. Watch a video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK8AdTI_GFM
Modular wireless charging station for public spaces
Have you ever been hopefully looking for a power socket at a café, the library, at an office or in another public space, wishing to charge your mobile phone? We have… No one has yet come up with a convenient solution for charging smart devices in public spaces, but “Cozy Cell” is able to provide it! “Cozy Cell” are modular wireless charging stations that will ensure convenient charging of mobile devices in public spaces, as well as at your home, and will also serve as a great interior component!
Shooting training system TRACE
Hitting the target will be a piece of cake if you will have been training with the shooting training system TRACE, created by the Latvian company “Focusd”. The system is unique, as it does not require any additional equipment except for a computer and the optical sensor, which is the lightest in its class and weighs only 30 grams. The TRACE sensor can be mounted onto any sports or hunting weapon and it registers the actions performed by the shooter at the moment of the shot. TRACE software processes the acquired data in real time and provides a wide range of possibilities for analysis – it allows you to easily identify the errors in your shooting technique, understand your performance during training, as well as make adjustments and improve your results. You will be able to try out this unique shooting training device at the “RIGA COMM” fair this week! Here’s a video! www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZSnp9znNG8
Autopilot industrial solution
It is difficult to inspect the tower of the St. Peter’s Church from height, as well as look at electricity mains or bridges; however, the team of the start-up company “Drone Plane” of the Riga Technical University has found a solution to this problem and has created an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) programme, which allows you to programme complex flight scenarios. By using the intuitive graphical interface, it is possible to change the parameters of the aerial vehicle, perform mission planning, receive information on telemetries and the load, as well as save the acquired data on the cloud of the server. “This is a great solution for carrying out the monitoring of industrial objects, performing aerophotography of transport infrastructure, managing agricultural territories, as well as making photographs and videos,” Viktors Bikovs, representative of “Drone Plane”, indicates. Watch a video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD3lF3BfZHA
Heavy-duty drone
The local drone developer “Aerones” will present a heavy-duty drone at the fair, having carried out a successful test of the drone a month ago by towing a wakeboarder on water. The results of the experiment exceeded expectations – the drone developed a speed of 70 km/h and used up only a half of its battery capacity over the 2.6 km distance. The “Aerones” heavy-duty drone is 3×3 metres large, its maximum power is 40 kW, and it weighs 55 kg. The total lifting capacity of the engine is 160 kg, the maximum lifting capacity is 105 kg, while it can optimally lift cargoes of up to 80 kg and carry them for 12 minutes. However, visitors of the fair will be able to inspect another drone with the size of 1.5×1.5 metres. Watch a video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UzscU5hpvw
Secret GPS transmitter
The Latvian company “Intelligent Systems” is offering a self-made miniature GPS device “CheckGPS”, which carries out long-term surveillance of one’s property against theft, being damaged during transportation etc. without the need to charge it. The device sends the coordinates of its location and other data at regular intervals by using GPS and GSM networks. Moreover, the data of the device and its configurations may be accessed within the online system and by using the mobile application. It is also easy to hide it thanks to its compact size, small weight and subtle design. Thus finding a stolen bike or lost keys will be no trouble at all!
Bimodal palm biometry system
How can you know that the person at the door is really the person you are expecting? Scientists of the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science have come up with a bimodal biometry device, which is a lot safer than the one that reads only fingerprints. The new device reads the ridges of one’s palm and the netting of one’s blood vessels, which is unique to every person, as well as identifies the fact that the person is alive and blood is flowing through his or her arm. The device also checks information on the specific person within the database. It is essential that identification is carried out without physical contact – it is more hygienic, convenient and does not leave any fingerprints. At the moment prototypes are already being tested in the form of a door access control system at the respective institute, as well as at the Information Technology Centre of the Riga City Council and the Laboratory for Mathematical Modelling of Environmental and Technological Processes of the University of Latvia. Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4fqZyCXdHY
If you wish to view these and other smart devices and gadgets made in Latvia and abroad in person – we will be waiting for you at “RIGA COMM 2016” in Ķīpsala this week!
As is known, on 20 and 21 October Ķīpsala will host the“RIGA COMM” fair – an annual IT and business event for companies of various sectors, heads of government institutions and IT professionals, where it will be possible to get acquainted with the most up-to-date digital offer of the Baltics and other countries, consult with experts and choose the solutions that are most suitable for one’s business or organisation. New this year – the Gadget Area and the first Internet of Things Conference in the Baltics. More: www.rigacomm.com
“RIGA COMM” is organised by the International Exhibition Company BT 1 in cooperation with partners.
Follow news regarding “RIGA COMM” on social networks: www.facebook.com/rigacomm and www.twitter.com/RigaComm
Location: International Exhibition Centre in Ķīpsala
Opening hours:
20 October 10:00–18:00
21 October 10:00–18:00
The price of the ticket for both days of the fair is EUR 20: https://rc.ticketforevent.com/lv/
(The ticket may be used to visit the IT solutions fair, the Gadget Area, the Open Stage during both days, as well as the Internet of Things Conference on Friday)
Parking fee (per day, unlimited time) EUR 3