The RIGA COMM 2017 Brokerage Event will be held for the second time, and all enterprises, including start-ups, as well as universities and research centres are welcome to take part in it. The aim of the brokerage event is to improve the international competitiveness of Latvian entrepreneurs and research institutes.
The RIGA COMM 2017 Brokerage Event is designed to facilitate cooperation between research institutes and enterprises of various sectors.
Seminars and bilateral meetings
The brokerage event will consist of two parts – during the first part participants will be able to take part in seminars, during which foreign experts and entrepreneurs will share their experience and success stories, as well as provide practical tips for the preparation of “Horizon 2020” applications.
In the second part the participants will engage in previously arranged meetings (for approx. 20 minutes) with representatives of foreign enterprises, universities and research centres. These meetings will provide the participants with a possibility to present their innovative ideas to several potential partners from different sectors, establish new business contacts, as well as discuss possibilities to cooperate within “Horizon 2020” and other projects supported by the EU.
“Horizon 2020”
“Horizon 2020” is the EU’s largest research and development support programme with an overall budget of 80 billion euros. The programme is aimed at research organisations, as well as all enterprises that wish to realise international research projects and introduce innovative products and solutions on the international market.
The previous brokerage event held in Latvia took place in October 2016, during the “RIGA COMM” fair, and it was attended by 130 participants, half of whom were from abroad.
Time of the event: 9 November
You may register for the brokerage event until 8 November 2017: https://www.b2match.eu/RigaComm2017
Working language – English.
Participation in the event is free.
All of the profiles of enterprises registered for the brokerage event will be published on the website of the event, in order to make it possible for the participants to identify potential cooperation partners and reserve individual meetings in advance.
Organiser: Investment and Development Agency of Latvia within the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network Latvia project